This was too good NOT to share. Here is the exact email I received from a client at exactly the 6 month mark of the course ending. This is about the time BIG manifestations come in. Which is a topic of the course.
"Hey Kayla!
Hope you are doing well! I took your course back in winter and I just wanted to share an update. I didn’t sign up for the google chat so wanted to share here. Feel free to use as a testimonial if you like.
One of the manifestations I wanted to create was a new home.
In January I received a salary increase.
Time had passed and I had been feeling really anxious and irritated to get out of our current space. While casually looking last week, but without any attachment I came across a house.
Fast forward, we are in the process of finalizing details and take possession of our house July 22. When I wrote my manifestation I got so specific that I thought it would be impossible that each item on my desired checklist would come to fruition. well, my goodness everything on the list is in this home. I even said I wanted to live on the outskirts of a small town, 30 minutes from the city and 15 minutes from the river. It’s so crazy!!! I also said I wanted this manifestation 6 months -1 year. We are right around the 6 month mark from when I wrote that manifestation.
It’s also interesting because the mortgage payment is higher than I was expecting and it had me having second thoughts. My husband is far more grounded and in trust than I am and assured me everything would be ok. I said I needed some time to think about the financial side of things and a few hours later my husband got a call to go back to work! To give some context he’s in the trades and today is his last day of school and he starts the next job this coming Monday! Its all aligning so quickly.
I don’t know if there could have been a more clear sign from the universe that everything will be ok. Trust is a big lesson here!
Anyways just wanted to share the news!
Have a great weekend!"
That is how it works folks!
For the next program dates:
